1 - Vaccines are truly protect our health and our children?


2 - What we are really aware of any damage, more or less serious, from vaccines ?


3 - We understand that vaccination may incur some risk, because two of the state laws already admit that the incident may happen and for this reason is expected to compensation and damages to those who will be affected by such adversity?

4 - We know the Law No. 210/92 and its amendments and 229/05 which should be posted in all doctors' private and public so that anyone can inquire know that the damage really exist?

5 - How many parents have read the contraindications that are contained in the leaflet accompanying each drug, including vaccinations?


6 - We're aware of what and how many diseases are produced by vaccines?


7 - Why in the European Community, vaccinations are mandatory only in Italy (The only region that has removed the requirement is the Veneto) and France?

8 - Why do vaccination without any prior investigation? And if there were any latent immune deficiency, primary or secondary, what would happen?


9 - E 'absurd claim that the vaccinations produce disease?

10 - Why the allopathic medicine has created the "dogma" of vaccines when the dogmas may be accepted only from the faith?

11 - We are aware that when an event of vaccination there was a decrease in infectious diseases but at the same exponential increase of degenerative diseases much more serious of the above?

12 - We're aware that there is the possibility of treating adverse reactions of vaccination?


It is not the intention of this site terrorize people on immunization, but the intention is to make us ask questions in order to understand if we parents we are sufficiently informed of what may happen to our children, when subjected to these practices .

We can start with fairly trivial questions that will certainly help us when we should begin to worry about anything because of negative happen to our children if we decide to accede to these risky methods.
Let us remember that the risks are and there are many, not virtual, but real!



On 11 October 2008 was celebrated the
3^ International Day of awareness of



“European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance”

Marco Tremante

n.6/2/66 m.11/10/71

Andrea Tremante

n.4/8/76 m.22/9/80

For more information:


Associazione Lesi dai Vaccini

Via Danilo Preto, 8





Telefax: 0039 45 8402290

Mobile: 3683162425


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