La confirmation

de combien de peu valût pour le monsieur Duilio Poggiolini la vie de mon fils Alberto il me joignit lorsqu'il prononça ces mots:



Il ne convient pas faire survivre son fils, il coûterait trop à la collectivité!......

The same book translated into French in 2005




Alberto est un témoin des effets secondaires d'une pratique médicale de plus en plus controversée : la vaccination.

Alberto est handicapé à vie.

Les lésions que son système

nerveux a subies suite au vaccin antipolio obligatoire sont


Mais Alberto est vivant, bien

vivant : c'est un jeune homme au caractère bien trempé, passionné par la vie.



La façon dont la famille Tremante a vécu son histoire force l'admiration.

Personne n'y restera indifférent.


Not all are aware that campaigns for mass vaccination had their origin in 1850.
at the time of Napoleon III and became the same for France a great deal economically.
Despite the science officer then, headed Bescamp (doctor) master Pasteur (chemical), had demonstrated against the use of vaccination campaigns and mass for the same use of vaccines, the method prevailed Paster, mainly because it became bearer rich emoluments of the State cashiers French. Even then it was deliberately given the prevalence exclusively to the economic detriment of the health benefit of the community. Then as today. So why ...........
"THE HISTORY occurs!


It 'a real-life story
narrated by experienced
protagonist of the story
who fought alongside the
his family for two decades
because the light was the "truth" on the direct responsibility of vaccination
polio Sabin, cause of death of two of his sons and Alberto disease.



"You can not stay
indifferent to the Holocaust suffered by our family, and an immense number of other
families, thinking that they have been only rare fatality since around the corner the same
experience can affect each of you. "





confirmation of how little worth to Mr. Duilio Poggiolini the life of my son Alberto came when I uttered these words:




Agrees not to survive his son, would cost too much to the community! .....



Which of the two is the thing which is worth more?
It seems that most often we forget
that the "HEALTH" we can not even buy
with the "MONEY "!.....







It 'important to always stay united, as these small fish,
because the experience of everyone might find it useful to everyone.

Our situation of continuous stress and suffering itself up to unscrupulous people who, like vultures, will throw on prey inert and try to take advantage of their misfortune to make career (politically speaking) or healthy (speaking of unscrupulous traders ) Taking advantage of momentary weakness forced the victims.
E 'disgraceful that these people exist on speculative suffering of those who, as is commonly defined, "has been sacrificed for the good of society."
These gentlemen not ever happen to think that they too could be up in tragic events like those we are now experiencing?
If that happens, would be ready to shout the scandal, are very quick to gain advantage in situations when they are not affected personally.
It must be with eyes wide open so as not to fall into plots that these gentlemen are trying to ordire.
My recommendation is not made to denigrate someone, but tries to warn everyone about the possibility of being bogged down in some unpleasant affair.
We, damaged by vaccines, we are like those little fish that swim above and we are in much more troubled waters because of our bitter reality of "victims" but we are fighting against all the institutions and not only to live in dignity these Our children considered "victims guilty of sins that certainly did not commit.

"A good connoisseur few words!"


 *    WHY 'nobody has ever had a chance to read the "bugiardino" of vaccines.


· .The newspapers and TV have always minimized the adverse effects by providing statistics "unreliable"


·  WHY 'doctors vaccines and medical assistants NEVER HAVE NOT INFORMED on the real adverse effects to vaccines and especially when the parents who checked strange reactions of the children vaccinated and reported promptly to their pediatricians, they looked good from giving, as was and it is their duty under ministerial orders, warning bodies responsible for Pharmacovigilance. Their aim is just to not ever admit the correlation effects occurred with vaccines to protect the excessive use of vaccination practices?


· DOCTORS NOT informed - congresses are paid by pharmaceutical companies - how can they be objective? Even when some authoritative medical as Professor Joseph Trident, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Verona asked the WHO: to be able to develop at his own expense a complete report on the damage from the vaccine, this request was repeatedly refused to respond by feeling ' WHO missing in the archives data on pathological effects of vaccination. (the newspaper Arena, 4 September 1990).


· L. 210/92 REQUIRES information, but was never implemented and no one has ever determined to do a test to see if doctors in clinics and other health care sites, such as imposing the same law, was well displayed in view so that that anyone could access them. .
















             Without information, parents have not been able to connect adverse events that occurred after vaccination WITH        vaccination also the same doctors vaccinated were never on the basis of their preparation Universitaria real        information about the damage caused by vaccines.


       This course of action has caused the alert to doctors FAILURE base and then took the lack of real data on adverse        reactions.


· Parents have always been discouraged to oppose vaccination and believe that there are no dangers in practice ever immunization are therefore forced to continue the cycle of immunization even if their children feel in the psychophysical changes to the state-therapeutic-causing SERIOUS DAMAGE; indeed it is also tried to vaccinate AFTER INJURY OCCURRED denying at all costs a correlation with the vaccinations. .


· The DAMAGE FROM VACCINE has expressed differently in each person but no one has STUDIED HOW treat! The right to health is enshrined in art. 32, THIS IS FOR ALL OR ONLY FOR some lucky? 


· .What has caused the adverse reaction to the vaccine? In some cases, the vaccine had immune system problems and many times on many occasions and was asked to officials of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita 'preventive searches that occur in subjects before subjecting the vaccinations to see if there was an upstream was not immune perfectly in balance, as in "HANDBOOK OF VACCINATION" written by prof. Pontecorvo and published by Minerva Medica entitled "SERA VACCINE Immunoglobulin is: DO NOT BE GIVING WITH VIRUS VACCINE IF THERE IS ONE LIVE MEMBER OF OR FAILURE IMMUNITARIA PRIMARY SECONDARY. None have ever been answered. (see broadcasts on television networks and National Mediaset, the Samarkand 26/1/1989 - I send Lubrano of 4/123/1991 - Forum and Day by Day of 16/1/1996 and others). With visits accurate collection of data on family and preventive exams, all this could have been avoided. But if the death penalty is' illegal in Italy, then why has vaccinated knowing that in the absence of thorough medical tests and some kids would DECEASED? (Statistics CDC, WHO, Min. San. transmission Report). Some leaders of the Ministry of Health luminaries, and some have stated that preventive exams are NOT needed because victims are too few and too expensive reviews mentioned above (transmission Report 1998). This is detrimental to the individual right to health enshrined in Article. 32 of the Constitution.


· Knowing of causing serious injury or death, the TSO should not be supported by statistics from the series and NOT NON EXISTENT STATISTICS (Attachment that WHO does not know how many and what are) uncertain, nobody gives them (See parliamentary speeches)


· Immunization policy decided on the basis of inaccurate statistics. Vaccines are not needed (hepatitis B mandatory under De Lorenzo after a bribe of 600 million (Constitution of the Civil Party in the process of Naples against De Lorenzo, C. & Poggiolini signed by Temante as President of Comilva) vaccine for ' aemophilus B whose viral strains were almost nonexistent in Italy; vaccine against pneumonia that should be put on the market soon and on which the ISS has also expressed doubts because the 7 strains of virus which is composed not exist in Europe and is instead advocated by Gaetano Fara-see statement in the Corriere della Sera last July 18).




· Heavy metals (App. Mercury and other) because it removed as the USA.


· Because the vaccine has not changed first knowing that the side effects had polio?


· Italy does not declared polio free for lack of awareness of physicians on the monitoring of flaccid paralysis (Donato Greek) serious for disabled children made carelessness?


· Once the damage caused families in search of sun care hampered by doctors skeptical! Pushed to do the same rounds endless carousel of Research Institutes in which APRIORISTICAMENTE deny any link between the damage and vaccinations.


· With expertise that the CMO considers the damage?


· With expertise that the practice teaches ASL (L. 210/92)?


· MAI publicized law creating IMPOSSIBLE 'to seek compensation.


· Why three years' time to denounce a permanent damage?


· INTERACTIONS vaccine: intramuscolo 15 days before causing necrosis, because the muscles affected VACCINE TOGETHER? (AITR)


· GRAY MATTER DAMAGES (Documents of American studies on the interaction of various vaccines.)


· Why become sick kids healthy?


· Who controls the refrigerators containing vaccines? There are a timer indicating if there were power cuts that could have altered their composition?


· HEPATITIS B IN INFANTS? Where can contribute?


· Abuse of drugs, too many vaccines that do not serve (JAPAN remains the mandatory: too much damage


· RUBELLA only temporary immunity. Without information, many women have taken the risk pregnancy SERIOUS DAMAGE.


· How many babies have died? Control of the deaths occurred after vaccination and expert autopsy.


· !DOCTORS AND MINISTRY TO Absurd provide answers CLAIMS!







The patient information is always no








The opinion of an important immunologi University of Verona already stated that in 90 years
"... We do not live in a society that justifies the vaccine mass."
Unfortunately, even today in our country remains the obligation vaccine except in the Veneto Region.
I am already 18 years passed from this assertion. How much should still take this absurd situation?
And this dangerous practice is still carried out without any prior investigation and without any form of special care.
In this situation certainly increase the "damaged" and suffering for other families who will be in the future still involved in these terrible tragedies.



From newspaper "L'Arena, 4 September 1990

book published in Italy in 2001