The expression of MARCO to 2 years

still apparently healthy.



These are documents to prove that everything that has followed the presumption of being "authentic".
At the same time can be checked even the enormous difficulties we have encountered, both medical and political, to explore in depth what they absolutely could not or would not understand, that the vaccines in some cases may be more negative profits. Our story highlights the total disregard
non-editable that we met in some occasions in prestigious personalities such luminaries of medicine, political, religious and sometimes even some journalists for not being able to question the usefulness of vaccination practices, have maintained a position of absolute discretion not to say obscurantism accomplice. Nevertheless, our truth came to light and is undoubtedly served to other parents who, following our wake, have taken the path of official recognition by the institutions of "DAMAGE FROM VACCINE" and that it will always proud. The two documents below show the correlation of causation for Albert and Andrew, established by the CMO of Padua in the first instance. The document below shows the correlation of causation for Mark,
after an appeal to the Doctor Law of the Ministry of Health.


The two documents below show the correlation of causation
for Albert and Andrew, established by the CMO of Padua in the first instance


The document below shows the correlation of causation for Marco, after an appeal to the Doctor Law of the Ministry of Health.

MARCO to 8 months on my shoulders
perfectly healthy.


Do not let you take the same "grinders" to not appear different.

ALBERTO and ANDREA to 6 months together with his brother LUCA perfectly healthy.

ANDREA, to 1 year
perfectly healthy.

ALBERTO ANDREA and costume from "man" standing on the kitchen table, still apparently healthy.

ALBERTO with his tracheotomy that gave him the chance to survive, not completely autonomous from the respirator, but free from the car all day.
The night is still attached to "Remigio", his respirator.

MARCO to 8 months in arm to

his mother, perfectly healthy.


Official documents that “prove the causal link between vaccination and disease”.


 Our children, born "perfectly healthy" ... ce we found them so ... "because of the vaccine" ..!


MARCO - ridotto così a circa 4 anni, la malattia inizia a rendersi più evidente all’età di 2 anni e mezzo, muore per insufficienza respiratoria l’11 ottobre del 1971.

September 1980 Andrea died, as had died years before his brother Mark to respiratory failure. A month after Alberto also has the same crisis, but is saved helped by a respirator, against the advice of health, only about my taxation.

ALBERTO ANDREA and costume from "man" standing on the kitchen table, still apparently healthy.

ALBERTO when he was forced to be attached to a respirator.