Visit by President Scalfaro to Alberto
Giorgio Tremante
Via Fratelli Rosselli 6 / B
VERONA 37138
Verona them on November 8 1994
Mr President, am the father Alberto, the boy wearing the severe form of disability which Professor. Giulio Tarro has diagnosed a result of the Sabin vaccine.
I want to thank you for the first act of humanity made against Alberto, the first made by the "state" after years of struggle and harassment endured in complete isolation.
For that I thank you again for a gesture of solidarity that I think addressed not only at Alberto and his family, but to the whole society, because it is careful to defend the weak.
Yet, Mr. President, the gesture that she has not had the echo and the desired effects. Indeed the reaction was not made to wait, creating further problems in helping home and in rehabilitation therapy and with new threats of absurd complaints against a father who searches for "only" and "alone" to protect his son.
The local media, I do not know by whom summoned, as was required the greatest discretion about the meeting , have long emphasized a sentence you uttered: "Every man fights his battle with ....",
This reporting the story of Alberto inside the contours private and personal, as part of the family disturbs because it requires that "too much" and, they say, more than others with disabilities.
I forgot for nothing that this family mourns two sons died for the same cause and devoted his entire life to care for a disabled boy made, thus raising the company also charges that assistance would be much higher if made by the public service, not it was still willing to medical and social level, to review the attitude towards the story of Alberto.
I remember the words that you spoke in a confidential: "It takes a lot of humility to recognize that sometimes is mistaken."
I wish I can yell these words with the moral authority that she has, because I am convinced that it is wrong and that we continue to make mistakes in the name of an unjust conditioning medical science by economic interests that trample human rights.
Human rights enshrined in the Italian Constitution, guaranteed by the law and deliberately violated with the alleged preventable by vaccination imposed by law.
This is so in my case I am human so far and spent so I would be willing to give life is the desire to give voice to so many innocent people as Alberto and say the right to self total in the protection of their health.
There are also vaccines, but to free choice in a genuine rule of law. It can not be compared to a crime and prosecuted by law will not vaccinated. I think it would be fairer guarantee freedom of "conscientious objection". Thank you Mr. President for the gift of your computer.
She has accelerated a process already initiated by local USSL who knows if and when it was found conclusion. I do not want that the local authorities, well aware of the difficult situation, including economic my family, regarded as solved every problem.
If that were the case, although conscious of creating further damage to Alberto, I would be willing also an opportunity to return.
Mr. President I am well aware of not having the right to include even more in case of Alberto and ask for a position that departs from the duties of the "super partes", but please like a child not to leave us again and again Only in a tunnel that does not see a glimmer of serenity.
Yours very truly
Giorgio Tremante
To the President of the Republic
Hon. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
Palazzo del Quirinale
Alberto meeting with President Scalfaro by the newspaper "The Chronicle", 11 settembre1994
.How many of these and many already known "Cases trembling" should happen even before the institutions give to prevent these genocides?
Not fake promises never kept, but with actions to prevent such tragedies.
Here is perhaps as:
1 - removing the requirement that vaccine now has become anachronistic in 2000.
2 - Giving the correct information to people not only on the supposed benefits, but simultaneously in the "real" damage that these practices include so used indiscriminately as has been done so far.
3 - proposing an immunological preventive screening on all subjects that may be subjected to the practice of immunization.
4 - Revaluation Finally, the budget "cost - benefit" through a serious and proper epidemiological research, free from the power of multinationals.
YEAR 1994
Alberto letter to President Scalfaro
(proposing the return of the gift receipt if you do not try to shed light on the damage caused by vaccines)
In the box:
Alberto 18 months when he was still healthy
Alberto computer, by the weecly magasine Visto as of 19 may 1995
(the computer that Albert had received a gift from President Scalfaro)