Correspondence with "F. Storace - R. Prodi "

Letter from Health Minister Francesco Storace.
"The book was the occasion for me to thinking that not fail to bring in institutions where, authoritatively, this is the issue of preventive health care."
Other Health Minister who promises but does not keep its promises







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                                                                                At Minister of Health

                                                                       Francesco Storace

                                                                       Ministry Health

                                                                       LungoteverRipa 1

                                                                       00153 ROMA




Verona them, 18 July 20



On precious. Storace, Thank you very much for the letter of response that you wanted to send me kindly, in which it demonstrates the great sensitivity of your mind, from what it perceives that you have fully understood the true sense of tragedy that my family was forced to suffer.

I also think that we have realized that countless other families have lived and still experiencing these tragedies are mainly due to "indiscriminate use" of vaccination practices taxes so by law, without any prior investigation.

I am confident that you will bring, as I say, in this age-institutional issue. So that, maybe we can really make a real careful and try to demonstrate that the risk (now number), implicit in vaccinations designed as an expense to be paid, no longer apply (the candle) to justify the benefits obtained from laughable 'Use of vaccination practices, both praised but little verified through a serious and thorough epidemiological research (super Partex) for a real benefit of the community.

While the situation with regard to PDL n.4865 and always available for further necessary investigation, hoping to be able to shake his hand personally,

I send my most cordial greetings.

Giorgio Tremante


Reply letter by Romano Prodi before being elected "Premier".
"I assure you that for so there is no ruling principle of elimination der vaccination, which is indeed the ideal goal of a society conscious and responsible ........ ensure security and protection truly universal . "What does" truly universal protection ... "when it continues throughout the world with its belligerence to a total lack of hygiene, thus producing continuous epidemics, treated with the vaccine, produce new and unknown disease that before vaccination does not exist!


How many of these and many already known "Cases trembling" should happen even before the institutions give to prevent these genocides?
Not fake promises never kept, but with actions to prevent such tragedies.
Here is perhaps as:

1 - removing the requirement that vaccine now has become anachronistic in 2000.

2 - Giving the correct information to people not only on the supposed benefits, but simultaneously in the "real" damage that these practices include so used indiscriminately as has been done so far.

3 - proposing an immunological preventive screening on all subjects that may be subjected to the practice of immunization.
4 - Revaluation Finally, the budget "cost - benefit" through a serious and proper epidemiological research, free from the power of multinationals.

YEAR 2006





Via Danilo Preto, 8 37133


fax 0458402290






Verona them,4February2005





Dear Professor, 

I am pleased to send you a copy of the book "age and vaccinated o. .. right to life? "I published in 2001 by recounting the events that afflict more than 30 years my family as a result of damage caused on my children from vaccinations. The book was recently translated into French and, as such, delivered to the President of the European Parliament after the press conference held at the end of the Forum on vaccinations against Bruxelless held in November 21 last year. I would like to know, after the recent initiatives taken  the assessor Health of the Veneto Region to repeal the mandatory vaccination, which is the position that she intends to take in this regard in the election. It can well understand that any silence on this matter for me would be a serious shortcoming.



Giorgio Tremante




For the attention of Mr. President
Hon. Romano Prodi
Piazza SS. 55 Apostles


How many of these and many already known "Cases trembling" should happen even before the institutions give to prevent these genocides?
Not fake promises never kept, but with actions to prevent such tragedies.
Here is perhaps as:

1 - removing the requirement that vaccine now has become anachronistic in 2000.

2 - Giving the correct information to people not only on the supposed benefits, but simultaneously in the "real" damage that these practices include so used indiscriminately as has been done so far.

3 - proposing an immunological preventive screening on all subjects that may be subjected to the practice of immunization.
4 - Revaluation Finally, the budget "cost - benefit" through a serious and proper epidemiological research, free from the power of multinationals.

YEAR 2005