Congress of the Region Veneto 2006 Palazzo della Gran Guardia Verona

Regional Conference

Piazza Bra Verona Palazzo della Gran Guardia
10 February 2006










Ladies and Gentlemen

Giorgio are Tremante born and living in Verona, founder of most of the associations in addressing the topic freedom and consequences of vaccination and President of ALV (Association of Injured Vaccine).

             You probably already know the story from 1971 that strikes my family beyond all limits, having caused the death of two children and the serious injury of a third party, Alberto survived despite the advice of doctors was to let it die, because of the vaccine Sabin as recognized by the medical committee established by the Ministry of Health. But I do not intend to dwell here on my personal history, who wished to know more can read the book I published in 2001 "age and vaccinated or ..... Right to Life. " I intend to provide some rather more information and ask questions.



Point first.


There is a European-level group of doctors and parents called the Forum for European Supervision vaccines that produced a document that contains a rich and extremely significant document, surrogate data and statistical science, the adverse consequences arising from the practice of immunization. The research was presented in Brussels on 21 November 2005 the European Parliament. It is based on a sample of about 1,000 cases with a distribution of ages ranging from birth to about 75 years. Most of the diseases identified by the respondents to the questionnaire have not been recognized as complications after vaccination and are therefore not been reported by the pharmaceutical supervision Members. All the patients or their relatives have conceded that since the first vaccination have suspected as the cause of their symptoms, but doctors have failed to monitor and have denied any cause and effect relationship. Many patients have complained of being treated by their doctors with absolute disregard and contempt, even ridiculed, by refusing to accept the fact that a vaccine could have been responsible for what happened and that they are often defined by minimizing, as mere "nuisance "or light" side effect ". Now that even a doctor is no longer taboo to talk about damage due to vaccination, against which doctors felt the most has always been aware but which had not speak, it is worth pointing out some conclusions which arrives search: more often, especially in the case of very serious diseases, the appearance of symptoms is gradual: the degeneration started by a few small changes that the patient tended underestimated. Things worsened after a dose of vaccine. More numerous were the doses of the vaccine and the worst were the "disturbance" The many doses vaccines tend to complicate the picture, making it difficult to identify which components may be more involved in the problem. The complexity of the "noise" observed seems to indicate the imminence of a new catastrophe in our society: diseases triggered by vaccines. The post-vaccine complications ranging from an abnormal and persistent high fever or hypothermia until an unexplained death, including a long list of diseases that affect the whole body.



Second point.


On 7 November 2005 the Court of First Instance in Casablanca has condemned the pharmaceutical laboratory Glaxo-SmithKline Beecham to pay 3 million dirham (about 300,000 euro) in damages to the family of the small Achtaf Diwame remained paralyzed as a result of the vaccination antiepatite Engerix B. How many cases of damage from this last vaccination compulsory only in Italy, which represents yet another gold donkey? The veil of silence, however, begins to tear and it is no coincidence that this happens in a country that clearly does not suffer from reverential attitude towards the pharmaceutical industry ..



The third point.


For whoever wishes to make use of vaccination in our country is still required for some years to use products containing preservatives (primarily mercury) seriously harmful to health when they were withdrawn already everywhere? And 'perhaps more important to dispose of the stocks in warehouses that accumulated at least partially protect the health of people ?


I could go along with a number of other elements. But I believe that those who wish to have further information about the damage caused by the vaccine may, browsing on the Internet, visit sites in Italian and, knowing other languages, too many of the other parts of the world. I conclude by welcoming the initiative of the Veneto Region, in the persons of President by Alderman and Health, which has finally accepted the expectations emerging from the associations of parents of those who have suffered damages resulting from vaccines, and proposes to waive the mandatory vaccination practice , making both the medical profession really committed to give a correct and complete information and families truly responsible for a choice that can affect entire lives. Part of responsibility of this stigma is due also to the media that are likely to feel afraid to declare that "the goal that you are trying to achieve by giving this information is to alert scientists, politicians and the media on the same hidden face of the inoculations to ensure that, finally, be taken into consideration the effects of vaccination in their right reality?


The media, and as always remain subservient to the power of the stronger, they fear they perceive that "these stories are absolutely necessary for the practice of immunization cease to be a game of Russian roulette where you sacrifice one for pretending to protect others?”


All this finally gives meaning to the story that has devastated my family, removing from a purely personal dimension to restore the value of human suffering and the meaning of civil and social commitment that has always had for me. In conclusion I am pleased to mention this historic and important sentence pronounced by the famous philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer:


"The whole truth through three stages. First is ridiculed. Then it's violently opposed. In the end, is accepted as obvious."




Regional Seminar
LA vaccination

Piazza Bra Verona Palazzo della Gran Guardia
Jan 12 2007 Ore 9.30 - 13.30






Ladies and Gentlemen,

so far we have heard of so many statistics, more or less reliable, benefits that vaccinations led to our society.

For a moment, we in the condition of people in the street, people who do not have any familiarity with the science of probability, because this is talking about, all the benefits that are described are just the facts and simply virtual, without any conscientious scientific certainty.

I taught you that medical science is the most imperfect science that there is, because what now appears certain, one day more or less far can occur partially or completely wrong.

The evolution of human knowledge has always been based on understanding and on the admission of their mistakes. Here it is heard much talk about the benefits vaccinations have provided and will maintain the high percentage of the number of vaccinated.

It is however understood that the practice vaccinatoria there may be some serious adverse effects, the data reported by Green Channel show this aspect of the matter.

For mere honesty should therefore admit that: "Every medal has its downside" and the practice vaccinatoria used as is still so indiscriminately, without any prior determination of the mass, has logically secure its adverse consequences. To get to understand exactly where the balance of cost-benefit question still hangs toward the only benefit you should operate continuously planning a serious epidemiological research. With new figures outside the party, lacking economic interests by playing, unfortunately, very often in this role. I wonder that the Ministry of Health, the National Institute of Health and the National Council vaccines have not yet proposed a serious review on it.

That would certainly feasible but not with the same people who deny the evidence of the facts behind masking nonsense and now outdated form of social need. In this Congress have expressed many luminaries of medical science, spoke researchers, pediatricians, experts of every kind, but has not heard a single voice raised to protect so-called "Victims", sacrificed, it is said for the good of the community. Why this discrepancy?

There seems to us that people come once labeled you doctors ever and still with a number of nosography without body and without a?

It 'high time that the national on the subject in medicine to become an actor and begins to hear his voice even. I am here for that. For myself I represent my three children, victims of this practice that you warmly support, and representing and thousands of other people like me who have lived or are still living on their skin tragedies caused by these practices that you enthusiastically supported.

I think I have every right to feel my and their voices today as I did three decades ago and how I will do tomorrow, so that our experience, lived on our skin, can bring real benefit to society that, unaware of these facts because inadequately informed, quietly still leads their children to undergo vaccination practices, firmly convinced that this is the only possible good for their children.

This happens because unfortunately they lack a true and accurate information, the push to immunization is such that no doubt will arise in those mothers who are waiting in line outside every clinic to have the panacea to their child immunization.

Why is not also given this indication that requires a very high number of adverse effects due to inoculations? Everything had to be silent. Why were not made public data on illnesses occurred in the Veneto since 1993 because of vaccinations?

We are talking about 3526 cases that only today, for our pressures, have become official. How many of those present had knowledge?

Someone has informed this data? The media are very complacent in serving the medical science and make propaganda for immunization, but they are very reluctant to talk about the damage that these methods involve, why?

Italian law since 1992 has officially admitted that there are also serious damage caused by vaccination practices, with a law passed in 2005 is granted to these luck, in addition to compensation even a partial compensation. Even if you do not understand (and here we have asked the Constitutional Court to rule) should be protected because only the cases after entry into force of the new law. Just as it is difficult to see how it can continue to maintain their office those officials who, in Instruments, insinuate that the Hospital Medical Boards and the Ministry in some cases "give" compensation.

That's right! We reported (and not ever go back to our role as a complaint) department of a senior regional health official who stated: "We are aware that the CMO and the Ministry recognize some compensation for damage caused by vaccination, for financial support Social and economic hardship for families, even in the absence of criteria for allocation of certain diseases to vaccinations. "

This infamous phrase offends all to death "some victims' practices vaccinatoria that, instead of being elevated to the honors, and perhaps even buried bandaged by the tricolor as has happened recently to the" heroes "of Nassiria, for the sacrifice of their lives Are more despised, humiliated and offended. You can say that we victims have received from this official, the mockery of his words, in addition to the damage that we have been forced to endure.

These lines, as written, may also fear, for if this case were true, the fulfillment of various scams allegedly carried out by officers from the serious state.

I conclude by leaving you responsible for the analysis of such statements and, I reiterate once again, not my own words but with those of the famous philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, I already said in April last year in 'meeting held in this same venue: "The whole truth passes through three stages. First is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. In the end, is accepted as obvious."


I hope that for the good of our society, in the not too distant future it will be everything.


COMPLAINT MADE TO prosecutor's office of VERONA
against the pediatrician Dr di Padova.
"Giancola GIUSEPPE"
On 11 February 2006.

Casella di testo: (ARCHIVED)


Congress of the Region Veneto 2007 Palazzo della Gran Guardia Verona

Tried in vain to say that report but was strongly contested, taxation and
insulted ..... until it was forced to leave the room accompanied by the police!


Inside the hall of the regional conference organized by the Veneto Region was held on 10 February 2006 in the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona in the title: "New Regional Plan of Veneto Vaccinations and The Path to a suspension of> Disease" at about 13.45 hours During a conversation in which he spoke of the cause of death of my two sons Mark and Andrew and the serious permanent disability of third Alberto, suffering from vaccine damage by the admission of the "causal link" with the vaccination,established since 1995 the Ministry of Health,Complaint as follows: myself,

Trembling George was born in Verona 08 .09.1941 and resides in Verona, Via Danilo Preto n ° 8 (tel. 045.8402290), you hear from the dr. Giancola Joseph pediatric USSL 16 of Padua, and I quote these words: "Your children are dead because of vaccinations, but rather to a metabolic disease" .

At the request of a doctor close to me, Doctor. Rossaro Paul of USSL 16 of Padua - NATO asked for an explanation asking the following question: "Why is the Ministry of Health has recognized the causal link?" Dr. Giancola thus replied: "He did it only for the usual Italian gooders." Attended the discussion, in addition to Dr. Rossaro two other witnesses: Mr. Charles and Mr. Marani Marco Fontanabona