The National Commission Vaccines
                                                                                           At the headquarters of the Directorate General
                                                                                           Prevention of Health
                                                                                           Avenue of Roman Civilization, 7
                                                                                           R O M A
    Transmission via fax to the number 0659943096
    Verona 20 March 2006

    Subject: Request clarification.

  From occurred verbal and telephone communication with Dr. Greek (Director General of Health Prevention), and telephone with Dr. Pump (Director of the Division V) over a specific invitation came by fax on 14 March 2006 (Protocol DGPRV / 6779/P/Clbb) wonders to specify in detail and precisely what should be "for" the hearing.
Pending a response urges separate offer greetings.

                                                                                            Giorgio Tremante

I come invited to report to the National Commission vaccines as "expert"
I make a very detailed report of damage that we collected, not only in Italy but in Europe, as Italian representative of the European Forum for Vaccinovigilanza "lasting about an hour, which must be acts of the National Commission Vaccines.

Chiedo un incontro “urgente” col ministro Livia Turco

Per essere inserito, visto che sono stato invitato come esperto, nella Commissione preposta ma purtroppo, non volendomi inserire,,non ho mai ricevuto nemmeno una risposta 



                                                                                           At the Sign. Minister of Health
                                                                                           Hon. Livia Turkish
                                                                                           C / o Ministry of Health
                                                                                           R O M A
     U R G E N T E

Transmission via fax at number 06 59945226

     Verona 8 August 2006

          Giorgio myself trembling, as a parent of two children dead and a third remained
cerebroleso and quadriplegia as a result suffered immunization, as Italian representative of the European Forum on Vaccine Supervision, and as president of ALV (Association Lesi by vaccines)

                                                                       C H E I D E

  To be received with the utmost urgency by the sign. Minister of Health Hon. Livia Turkish, to see the outline of the Decree which relates to Law 229 of 2006, not having been invited to attend the Commission for the preparation of this decree. On 28.03.06 I was invited by Dr. Greek Donato, Director General of Health Prevention, as an "expert" and I have, in this circumstance, presented a detailed report of damage at the European level, as the minutes of the National Commission Vaccines.
For 35 years I have been dealing the problem "vaccine damage", so I think that you have the sacrosanct right to take part in such important decisions that concern first of all my family, having lived, perhaps unique in the world, a triple tragedy due to practice vaccine, and because I represent many families who like me expect from this government a comprehensive answer to the countless sacrifices and endured much suffering, until now, in almost total indifference of the institutions.


                                                                                    In witness

                                                                              Giorgio Tremante

Via Danilo Preto, 8    

37133 - VERONA

Telefax 045.8402290     













Verona them, 24 October 2006

Dear Sir,
I followed my request sent by fax to the number 0659945226 on 8 August 2006.

  The intention of my request was to find, as I try still to be informed about the characteristics and how to Decree Law which will be issued and that the law covers 229, 2005.

Back again to say that myself believe that all the requirements to be informed on this document because, first of all is the father of three children, two of whom died, and one third remained quadriplegia with respiratory support, owing to the damage reported the Sabin vaccine, at the time "required by law."

Secondly, as myself is founder and president of ALV (Association Injured by Vaccines) that work tirelessly in the late 80s.

And finally, as the undersigned is the Italian Contact the European Forum for Vaccine Watch that, for many years, it helps to gather data on damage caused by vaccinations at the European level. This must surely also be acts of the National Council Vaccines, in the report that I left a on March 28 this year when I was invited as an expert by the Director General of Health Dr Prevention. Donato Greco.

  I must, with great regret, unfortunately point out that my request for an urgent meeting sent on 8 August 2006, and after many phone calls made by me talking directly with many officials of the Ministry of Health, to urge that interview, since then no I received no written reply, because this deficiency?

I do not think that my presumption is the claim at least a written reply, I think I have a duty as well as the right to be informed about decisions taken in this circumstance is so important that will determine the future of innumerable families, like mine, have been affected by such serious events and for the most part, most often as is happening now, not even taken into consideration or even deliberately ignored.

I am still awaiting a response, and urges both offer far fewer.

Giorgio Tremante

Further request for meeting "urgent" to the Turco Minister Livia, for information to President Napolitano
Sent the request for information to President Napolitano, never even had response from him!

Letter from the Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Health.
The talk is always just compensation to "victims exist but yet nothing is done to prevent others!

Via Danilo Preto, 8    

37133 - VERONA

Telefax 045.8402290     

At the Sign. Minister of Health
Hon. Livia Turkish
c / o Ministry of Health
Lungotevere Ripa, 1
00153 R O M A

and p. c. To the President of the Republic
Hon. Giorgio Napolitano
Palazzo del Quirinale
Piazza del Quirinale
00187 R O M A


Hearing the National Council Vaccines

Letter of invitation to the hearing

Via Danilo Preto, 8    

37133 - VERONA

Telefax 045.8402290