During the dialogue with the interviewer, as well as talk about my personal story, it began to talk about the vaccinations at large, so that she tried to reassure the public about the absolute safety of immunization practice, reaching to say that "I Vaccines are now armored, "at this point decided intervened, pointing out that I was not in agreement with that information and to show my disappointment cites, for example, epidemiological data in my possession concerning the Veneto region, which show that since 1995 2002 in the region alone there were about 4,000 cases more or less serious linkable to vaccinations. , We now demand in this region if the number of cases is quite significant, we try to relate to all other Italian regions where epidemiological research that has never been done and see that so many cases of harm come to discover.

Ho the unconstitutionality also mentioned, in my opinion, the law 229/2005 which provides compensation to those who have died since the entry into force of that law, and for those who died before does not provide anything. And 'justice that proposed by this law or obvious and glaring injustice? It always reminds, in various circumstances, "The HOLOCAUST", happened a few decades ago, but even this is not a Holocaust for those families who are found involved in these very absurd circumstances?


On 3 March 2007 to participate transmission on RAI TV 1 “Saturday & Sunday "


Our children have been "Children of a Lesser God"?


Our story on TV in the "Stories to Microscope"


He recalled the "danger" of vaccines and the "unconstitutionality" of Law 229 of 2005





                                                                                                                                                                                            Sign Ill.mo. Minister of Health
                                                                                                                                               On. Livia Turco

                                                                                                                                               R O M A

                                                                                                                                               Ill.mo Secretary for Health
                                                                                                                                               Prof. GAGLIONE Antonio
                                                                                                                                               Lungotevere Ripa, 1
                                                                                                                                               R O M A





SUBJECT: Meeting of 27.03.2007 at the Library Hall of the 2nd floor of the Ministry of Health, Lungotevere Ripa 1, convened by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health Prof. Antonio Gaglione of 15.03.2007 No 2007/85T/IND/165 protocol with the following agenda: issues relating to compensation for damage from transfusion, - any changes to the law 210/92. "proposals for rectification of the Law 229/05

Giorgio myself Tremante, having been instructed by the Director General Health Dr Programming. Filippo Palumbo, following the meeting between the various groups of "damaged by vaccination and transfusion", held in Rome in Lungotevere Ripa 1, at the Ministry of Health, which participated in addition to Secretary Prof. GAGLIONE Antonio, also Turkish Minister Livia; collected the proposals coming dall'AMEV Florence (Association Emotrasfusi Sick and vaccinated), in collaboration with the Federation of Comilva Trieste, with the consent of A. NA.D.MA. Porto Viro (RO) and the I DELFINI of Rome; make the following proposals is the adjustment of the law 229/2005 and DM Oct 6 2006 in G.U. November 10. 2006, that the implementation of the measures necessary to ensure maximum safety of immunization practice.


1) Abolition of the final terms ended for submission of applications for compensation ex law 210/92

2) Acceptance of all hierarchical pending appeals filed against the declaration of not timely of applications for compensation for damage and compulsory vaccination is not mandatory for dead and survivors.

3) Faculty of re demand for payment of benefits for damaged by vaccination, already excluded of compensation for expiration of terms that have already obtained proof of causation.

4) Limitation for the Ministry of Health to review the positive assessment given by the CMO on the causal link between vaccination and injury, on appeal on hierarchical problems revocation of the law.

5) Increase from thirty to one hundred and twenty days of the deadline for appeal against the hierarchical reviews of the Boards Medical Hospital.

6) Increase from one to three years the deadline for appeal in the judicial hierarchy dismissed by the Minister of Health because no causal link.

7) Extension of the possibility of appeal against hierarchical measures archiving ASL and the Regions, as already provided the legal opinions of the medical commissions Medical Hospital.

8) Approval for the final damaged by vaccination, delivery of your eligibility for additional variety of diseases, (equivalent to 50% of the main ex law 238/97), even if the plurality of outcomes disabling results from injury of central nervous system, and not only in cases of multiple diseases.

9) Recognition of the power / duty of the CMO to classify diseases resulting from vaccination even under the table and attached to the DPR 834/1981, since the release of the corresponding compensation will be given to injured by vaccination, if there are conditions .

10) Ability to review medical documentation for the allocation of the benefits of the table E (super disability) attached to the Presidential Decree 834 of 1981 to those who have suffered damage to the central nervous system highly debilitating.

11) Detection rules of a different multiplication factor of compensation art. 1 of law 229/2005 split between the first and fourth category, compensatory of unfair leveling so far applied between the first 4 categories (in the absence of additional allocation of your table or E for plurality and / or severity of diseases).

12) Commencement of your ex art.1 Law 229/2005 the date of the application ex law 210/92

13) Provision of benefits. 4 Law 229/2005 from the date of injury for the same time period already cleared for the one-off due under the law 210/92, and without culling for the first ten years prior to the date of the application ex Administrative Law 210 / 92.

14) Provision of your lifetime, with an option to survivors for death even when victims are killed by complications from vaccination prior to entry into force of the law 229/2005.

15) Clarification of interpretation for the killing of 50% art. 4 L. 229/05 is applied only for the period prior to the tenth year, and not for the first ten years prior to the date of application administration.

16) regulatory provision stipulating that the liquidations of compensation provided for in art. 1 of law 229/2005 and Decree Min. Health 6 October 2006 be taken as follows preference.
a) having obtained a judicial sentence to pay the benefits of the law 229/2005.
b) Having obtained the approval of Law 210/92 to compensation under prosecution by ruling concluded, based on the date of the award;
c) have ongoing legal proceedings which will continue to be renounced, under DM Oct 6 2006, by date of entry role of the proceedings.
d) L 'hold compensation for a disease more severe;
e) have a greater age, with preference for those with family dependents, or need for medical expenses or purchases real estate urgency, with burden of documentation.

17) Recognize fair compensation to those who have not yet received any payment under the law 229/2005 despite having valid application submitted by December 25 2005, and with the requirements of priority (severity, age, etc.). In previously listed, and so far completely ignored by the Ministry for clearance.

18) Establish a scientific-technical, ministerial appointment, supplemented by medical associations indicated by damaged by vaccinations and consisting of more than four years, to identify and publish a list of psycho-physical illnesses due to complications from polio vaccine so far excluded At the table attached to the Presidential Decree 834 of 1981. In particular, to develop the concept of medical science post-polio syndrome including it in your table.

19) Have the liquidations in art. 4 of Law 229 will be paid primarily to those who, as at 10 April 2007, have not obtained the clearance of your monthly provided by the same law.

20) Quantifying the annual rate in art. 4 of Law 229 per hour detected only in number, including the amounts and the expiry date of the accruals.


21) already had many damaged by the Judiciary recognized the right to receive not only the basic adjustment to compensation (L. 210/92) but also the legitimate right to receive further compensation taking into account the revaluation Istat. So for all beneficiaries of L. 229/95 should be given equal remuneration.

22) depart from the principle of coexistence with the incapable, art. 5 D.M. Oct. 6. 2006, for erogabilità of compensation to the parents and considered equivalent to the requirement of cohabitation that of the costs of care in the Institute.


23) Starting on a national survey on adverse reactions from the vaccine designed to provide a more reliable because of the number of vaccinated and the number and type of damage from vaccination in the last thirty years.


24) Establishment of a commission or a ministerial technical committee, where are the representatives of associations, which draws up proposals for the proper registration of adverse reactions from the vaccine, follow-up of cases of adverse reaction, rehabilitative therapy and recovery .


25) Establishment of a commission or a ministerial technical committee, where are the representatives of associations for the development of a protocol aimed at the operational safety of the practice of immunization after an evaluation of the survey results referred to in paragraph 21 but through :
- The organization in clinics district of preventive controls designed to ensure adequate contraindications to vaccination, case by case basis;
- Implementation of mandatory rules for the administration of the talks pre-administration, estimates of the investigation, the relationship with pediatricians;
- The expectations for the sole medical staff, possibly with the help of nurses, the responsibility of the practice of immunization, the main findings quotes, talks pre-administration, relations with pediatricians;
- The requirement on the part of the pediatrician to fill out a form of presentation of the child vaccinate showing any suspicions that might contraindicate vaccination or recommend preventive inspections;
- The requirement to clinics in the district of local health units and pediatric clinics in both the law and the principles of conservatism in the vaccinations that the method of conduct in case of adverse reaction and the consequent need for treatmen


26) Develop national guidelines, with the cooperation of representatives of associations, companies whose health is landing for the complete information of the families involved on both precautions to be taken for the safety of vaccinations that the arrangements for assistance in case of adverse reaction.


27) Advertising of these guidelines through a brochure to be disseminated to the families before the cycle of vaccination.


28) Develop legislation to ask for the protection of families and damaged by vaccination for the management of compensation in cases of severe disability or need for hospitalization, with reference to the need to resort to administrative support, or curatele safeguards.


29) Approval-in-chief associations, with requirements to be determined, the role of patronage for the purposes of administrative, legal and medical-legal harmed by vaccination, and their families.


It states that have not been included proposals involving the jurisdiction of other ministries.
It is still awaiting feedback courteous to fix the date for meeting short-term for any clarification, possibly, only for problems with damaged by vaccinations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Giorgio Tremante


 Verona 5 April  2007

Via Danilo Preto, 8

37133 Verona - Italia

Telefax: 0039 45.8402290

Email:       giorgiotremante@tiscali.it

Sito web:  www.tremante.it


After the task received from Dr. Filippo Palumbo, Director General of Health Planning,
I presented on 5 April 2007 the first proposal to amend the following:

Referente Italiano dell’ E.F.V.V.

(European Forum For Vaccine Viogilance)


On 27 March 2007 there was the first meeting at the Ministry of Health with the "Associations of corrupt"