No criminal proceedings in 2048/08, dott. Rombaldoni, Mr. Giorgio trembling, assisted and defended by. Luigi Meduri at the studio in Nice, 20, Verona, elected domicile
to have, on 4 February 2008, presented documented exposed both to represent the existence of an investigation by the French judiciary against GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of the vaccine antiepatiteB, for concealment of side effects (including death) associated with this vaccine, is in order to establish whether any similar crimes on Italian soil by the same manufacturer, based in Verona;
to have on February 19 provided further details about the total lack of information from the health authorities in charge of both the risks of vaccines is on the actual size of the adverse reactions, showing data obtained randomly from the Veneto Region, the number of adverse reactions is of at least 6.1 children per 1,000; is documented
to have adverse reactions that are notoriously linked to situations of even modest alterations of the immune system of the vaccine, as specified in the contra-represented by the producers, is that the health authorities have never ordered diagnostic tests to identify inadvance the subject in-chief that the vaccination was contraindicated;
that this general lack of care and information has caused and continues to rise each year thousands of adverse reactions and even deaths among these children in the population.
In those circumstances
the opposition is able to document how the health authorities persevere in not providing vaccinandi their parents or any information on the risks linked to the administration of the vaccine is on the national territory, where there is still a requirement of the law, both in the Veneto region where apply from 1 January 2008, the system of optional and where should have been taking parallel (but did not happen!) the process of informed consent ..
In particular, they produce no 5 attachments facsimile to be completed by parents and by the head of the Department of Hygiene and Public Health from which it emerges that the only information provided to parents on the risk arising from non-performance of the vaccines and the risks associated with vaccination.
In substance, though both known and prescribed that vaccination is absolutely contraindicated (as documented in previous pleadings) in the case of deterioration of the immune status, parents do not explain this evidence, nor discusses other specific risks related to the type of vaccination to be carried out or protocols are designed to select the suspected cases and implement preventive diagnostic test (a simple blood test). In place that prevent adverse reactions of miles each year is tragically really happen the concern of the public health authority is limited to information about the possible risks of vaccination failure, namely on “remote possibility, but described in the literature of acquiring infection with polio virus through contact with the feces of other children vaccinated "and" low risk of infection from hepatitis B, in the communities where these individuals were potentially infectious. " (all. 4)
This is not to censor information on the risks, real or imagined, associated with non-performance of the vaccine, but put absolutely no evidence that is provided and has never been given any information about the damage caused by the vaccine and, indeed, on that caution should be observed to prevent such damage.
There is, in fact, no system of prior verification of intolerance.
The children are subjected to vaccination in total ignorance by their parents of the risks.
This gives rise to two distinct effects, according to the vaccination or not.
In particular, where vaccination is mandatory, the forced administration of the vaccine, the total lack of systems for the detection of cases of a contraindication, the crime involves personal injury or negligent manslaughter occurs when the adverse reaction.
The where, as in the Veneto, vaccinations are no longer mandatory, voluntary administration of the vaccine must be preceded by informed consent, the omission of the crime involves personal injury or negligent manslaughter occurs when the adverse reaction.
If you consider, as documented in previous statements, in the Veneto that occur around the year 300 cases of adverse reactions and that informed consent is never required to be vaccinated or their parents, you can get an idea of the scale of responsibilities even criminal health authorities.
In particular, it is true that only in the case of care required by law may not be the right patient, outside of this exception "lack of consent (appropriately informed) of the patient or his disability for other reasons determines the arbitrariness of surgical treatment and its criminal law, those in place in violation of the personal sphere of the subject and its right to decide whether to allow foreign intervention in its body "(Cass. Pen Sect. IV July 11 2001 No. 1572)
For the above questions that, in addition to investigations already required in the above, there is the truth of the claims and that the exponent
1 . by the health authorities in the Veneto voluntary vaccination is administered without requiring informed consent for parents;
throughout the national territory, vaccinations are administered without any system of prevention and in particular without identifying and selecting suspected cases or contraindicated.
Are attached No 5 facsimile used at the national medical unit.
Verona 19 March 2008
Tremante Giorgio
Prosecutor at the Court of VERONA
No criminal proceedings in 2048/08, dott. Rombaldoni, the exponent Tremante Mr. Giorgio, assisted and defended by. Luigi Meduri at the studio in Verona, Via Nizza, 20, has an address for service, considering the need to correct and effective approach of investigations required, to integrate its exposed with more information and documents, states:
1. The survey sponsored by the French judiciary to the executive of GlaxoSmithKline on the damage or even death caused by vaccination antiepatite B, for failing to information on side effects, highlight the need for an investigation on security procedures for information and administration of vaccines including by the Italian judiciary, and that given the high number of injuries vaccination finally emerged with the report (Doc. 4 dell'esposto) of the Public Health Service and Screening Region Veneta: the above document, which is the only official statistics on the damage brought by vaccination in our country, to the public, to establish for the first time a reliable relationship between the number of children born in a certain year and the number of adverse reaction to vaccines, which highlights the relationship as such damage are not exceptional tragic outcome of a case but quite ordinary events of a system of administration of the vaccines administered - how-to document without any effective care.
2. The statistics of the Veneto Region for the period 1993-2005 shows 3526 adverse reactions linkable inoculation of vaccines. Given that this statistic applies only to cases places of Green Channel (Institution Journal of the Veneto region), and therefore it is in absolute numbers compared to the reality defect examined, however, follows an average of 271 cases of adverse drug reaction each year in the Veneto region.
3. It is clear from the table attached (Doc. 1) in the period 2001-2003, on average, were born in the Veneto 44,230 children every year and, therefore, for that period, whereas the number of births is less than the number of vaccinated Consequently, the ratio between the number of vaccinations and the number of adverse reactions is 6.1 children per 1,000.
4. In the period 1993-2005 were submitted directly to Green Channel 484 cases of suspected adverse reaction occurred after vaccination: of these, only 3.72% did not correlate with the vaccination.
5. In particular, adverse reactions concern over the deaths, even very serious damage and would be permanently affect the health of vaccinated and the life and the serenity of the family. Such reactions have occurred ever since have been ordered before by the Ministry of Health the precautions necessary to prevent the subjects "predisposed" to such adverse reactions were released from immunization. The story on the vaccination antipoliomielitica, illustrated below, shows how any kind of precaution has never been put in place by the Ministry of Health, even though the manufacturers of the vaccine in that case had clearly explained to assess contraindications with absolute attention.
6. By law, 13 March 1958 No 296, was formed the Ministry of Health with the express task (Article 1) "to ensure the protection of public health." For that purpose, was recognized in that ministry to provide the allocation to public health services, and in particular to take to protect public health, education compulsory for all public administrations to ensure that health services.
7. In addition, they were planned as part of the Ministry concerned the central organs (including art. 3) and the peripheral organs (as in art. 4), and among them, health officials of Commons .
8. With Law No 4 February 1966 51, was set up vaccination antipoliomielitica. With the next D.M. 25 May 1967 (Doc No. 4), is specifically prescribed that the vaccination against polio is temporarily suspended in respect of persons who have manifestations of acute illness, fever or diarrhea and should be resumed as soon as the status of disappeared contraindication.
9. No contraindication was set out in that order. Neither were issued new rules agreed by the Ministry where, in subsequent years, emerged with evidence that, even compared to states of immunodeficiency, vaccination was considered contraindicated.
10. Contraindications were, at most, represented in leaflets prepared by the companies producing the vaccine, but were never translated by the Ministry of Health in implementing regulations or protocols in place the peripheral health facilities in the administration of the vaccine (in this case : Sabin virus live trivalent oral antipoliomielitico stabilized).
11. Is a simplified, to produce the package insert of serological S. Milanese Belfanti. Under the "contra" states that "Vaccination is contraindicated (...) in patients with abnormalities of the immune status (...) causes congenital or acquired." (Doc. No. 2).
12. Contraindications concerned Although note that the Ministry has explicitly authorized the distribution of the vaccine, and no peaceful heritage of international medical literature, are not considered in the vaccination. Any prior investigation has ever been done in the past, nor is implemented today to see if the vaccination for the child has any alteration of immune status that they recommend or require the exemption.
13. Not only the Ministry of Health has not issued a circular to give binding instructions regarding the prevention of adverse reactions on the part of immuno vaccinandi, but neither has ever put in place through the Higher Institute of Health, scientific research on the danger of preparations administered to the infant population without any precaution. Nor is a study or a statistic about the damage from the vaccine, the causes and means of prevention. And that although the Ministry is obliged to enact, by virtue of his law establishing the mandatory instructions to the administrations devices for the protection of public health.
14. Not for the exponent accuracy, but for lack of objective data from the Ministry, it once again refer to the data from the Veneto region to determine the likely size of the Ministry of omissions: 270/300 adverse reactions each year in Veneto (by default ), are at least 3000 adverse reactions each year throughout the country, which, in more than 40 years of compulsory vaccination include an estimate of over 100,000 adverse reactions
15. No specific consideration has never been established by the Ministry to verify the existence of immune deficiencies that require exemption from vaccination. In an interview of 4.9.1990, the Verona immunologist, Prof. Trident, said that the risk of adverse reaction increases as the "body and weakened immune and a non-immune reaction to aggression of the virus in the vaccine. That is why it is essential that each family doctor assess very carefully the history of every boy and detect any defects and immune disorders that enable compliance with the law not to inoculate vaccine to the high risk of side effects "(doc. 3 ). In reality, this preventive screening by the family doctor was not and is not normally put in place, because if they did not continue to occur thousands of adverse reactions each year. The underestimation by the same family doctors for such research necessary estimates due to the fact that the risk of adverse reactions was wrongly regarded as such a remote that did not justify the costs of prevention. When asked: "Would not it be better to use a special examination, on a large scale before the vaccine to inoculate?" Professor Tridente replied: "This is also a key painful course" would be better. " But to do this we should organize a massive structure to identify a small minority of individuals at risk. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. "
16. At all levels, from the beginning of vaccination campaigns, it was wrongly considered that the risk of adverse reaction was quite exceptional, for the negligent failure of the Minister who has never investigated the actual incidence number of reactions respondents, was not peripheral to the concrete and ordinary form risk leading to a general indifference if not carelessness on the part of family doctors, paediatricians, structures depurated vaccination. This omission is even more serious when one considers that the Ministry of Health, as manager of the compensation provided by L. No 210/92 to those affected by the vaccination or their heirs, had a sufficient information base to guide the peripheral impact on the risk.
17. These omissions could be a motive in the will of the staff not to damage the interests of pharmaceutical manufacturers of vaccines or to profit from the need for them not to see the actual numbers advertised for damage from vaccination or not to find obstacles to market of vaccines. In that sense, both are illustrative story De Lorenzo, cited above, that the alleged concealment of the side effects of the vaccine antiepatiteB by the multinational GlaxoSmithKline.
Enucleabili Data from the report of the Regional in ordinary make it clear that the adverse reactions from the vaccine.
The absolute absence of memoranda, circulars, instructions, over 40 years by the Ministry of Health to peripheral deputies to the vaccination campaigns for ordered before and impose the necessary precautions against the known contraindications to vaccination is the main Adverse reactions, most often lethal, which affected tens of thousands of children and their families devastated.
The omission of information and caution on the part of the Ministry of Health have criminal and still continue to occur in the total inertia for information, and preventive health care organization.
Of this fact, the investigating magistrate may take evidence by acquiring information from the Ministry of Health on any such initiatives have been put in place or currently being implemented to protect children vaccinandi against the side effects known or knowable.
Similarly, with reference to GlaxoSmithKline, it is necessary to investigate whether the side effects at the time publicly denounced in France have also occurred and to what extent in our country and if this could depend on the responsibility of only one or even from the same co-Ministry of Health , whose owner is determined at the time to make this vaccination on the outcome of an act of corruption
Compliance with
9 February 2008
Tremante Giorgio
Second submission on 19/02/08
The third submission 19/03/08
2nd National Meeting of Information Ethics - Medical - Scientific Milan 6 April 2008
Vaccines and Psychiatric What Truth?
Further pleadings submitted to the magistrate on the case "vaccine - GlaxoSmithKline"
The report by Giorgio Tremante was able to carry different data as well as transmit a great feeling.
George, in fact, has lost two children because of vaccines. The first died in 1971 at the age of six years, and the second in 1980 to four years.
The third, unfortunately, they have been damaged.
It is reported an initial denial to the statistics as "official" about the very rare cases. Giorgio other data shows where we talk even damaged only about 4,000 in Veneto. With respect, then, the case of meningitis, the data are assembled ad hoc to take people to "hunt vaccine", in a region which has established the non-compulsory nature of the treatments.
Mr. Tremante recalled that it began to use the vaccine in exactly half century in 1850, the time of Napoleon. Then the two currents were to Pasteur, the vaccines favorable, and Beshamp who denied the benefits. Due to economic and market, was the winner of the current Pasteur; started mass vaccinations. However, data in hand, it appears that the vaccine, contrary to what is believed, have not helped to defeat disease, but rather to create new ones.
The SARS case is linked to that. AIDS is a degenerative disease of the immune system that comes from monkeys which is extracted from an active vaccine. This suggests that this vaccine has been one of the means of transferring AIDS.
In the case of avian influenza, have been sold in Italy, 38 million doses of vaccine for a disease which, however, the vaccine would not have been able to cope.
The reasons used to justify the requirement for vaccination are really incredible. Suffice it to say that the hepatitis B vaccine, now has become mandatory to prevent future drug workers (who today are not) can contract the disease. Incredible! You are also uncovered cases of bribes paid by pharmaceutical companies to politicians as in the case of former Minister of Health De Lorenzo, even for each dose of vaccine administered.
This would be a real "experimentation" on human beings, which is officially banned by any legislation.
The interesting fact, however, is that some pharmaceutical companies are beginning to undergo trials and investigations; between the Glaxo-SmithKline because of toxic products used to produce vaccines.
The lobbyists who are active in preventing pharmaceutical companies refounded the damage of vaccines, what is happening, instead, Germany, France and almost all nations of the European Community.
Research on vaccines is often fake, and carried out exclusively by pharmaceutical companies interested only in profits in this huge business. Thus lacking any form of control of the results of this trial.
The touching aspect of the report is, however, George was his testimony about the tragedy that has touched close to a tragedy which has found a real "wall of silence and indifference."
The interests that underlie the problem vaccines have dropped, often in empty his call for clarity and justice.
The same George was host to several television programs as "Samarkand", "I send Lubrano," "Forum", "Maurizio Costanzo Show", as well as having been received at the Vatican since Pope Unfortunately, even by the Church, often found silence. The latest report, the fate of more technical, has placed the emphasis on different issues showing everything in the light of data and statistics showing how often they are absolutely false.
Psychiatric and vaccines are deliberately set to provide customers with health and to work in this area all the "insiders". When you could do real prevention and avoid the increase of
diseases due iatrogene its insider these toxic substances are often incompatible with the
delicate organism of our children!