Mr ANTONIO DI PIETRO interested damaged by the vaccines
We must finally realize that vaccinations are "weapons" very dangerous, has never been scientifically demonstrated their "safety and safety." From the time they are in use, have created many "victims" whose real number has always been deliberately hidden to maintain this "myth" of security and benefits that it says have led to people. E 'come the time that should be made a "real" budget, free from the power of multinational drug to carefully assess the cost-benefit "for our entire community. It is no longer possible to keep the public free of many of these dangers, we must safeguard economic interests that revolve around this "trafficking of health."
“Already in the 80s I tried to contact Mr Di Pietro about the process of Naples where he tried to shed light on problems of "Malasanità", and that they had investigated the former Health Minister Francesco De Lorenzo and Duilio Poggiolini. As President of COMILVA, then, I had signed the document for the establishment of a civil party in this proceeding. We had evidence in hand, through a statement by the director of the manufacturer of the vaccine for hepatitis B, SmithKline Beecham, which reported that the then Minister of Health had been paid a bribe of 600 million pounds because he switch , as happened then through various subterfuges, the law required that in Italy, the only nation in the world, whether the vaccinations. Despite the negative opinion of many scientists in the international arena, such as the discoverer of the vaccine antipoliomielitico, supporter of the vaccinations, Albert Sabin. Who during a television broadcast on RAI 3, "I send Lubrano" to which I myself participated in direct and deferred the scientist, made this clear statement: "... During my last stay in Italy have come to know that was just approved the law introducing compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B. In my view this is a gross mistake and I am sure that the Minister of Health has been very badly advised. In fact, in Italy more than eighty percent of cases occur among drug users who make use of infected needles or syringes that do not change or promiscuous homosexual men. By addressing these aspects of the problem will get better results than those guaranteed by the mandatory vaccination required by law just passed ... " Happened that the gentlemen "accused" demanded the settlement, which is why, our party from the civil proceedings was removed. The rest of the story "De Lorenzo and Poggiolini" is known to all that I feel superfluous reminder. (incidentally) Despite this, the vaccine for hepatitis B was binding even today in our country) I did not understand at that time because Mr Di Pietro did not take into account this topic, perhaps you were looking d ' other or perhaps most likely that the document sent to him personally not arrived in his hands. I hope that this time take care about the topic of "Damage caused by vaccinations" as a whole, so that inevitably show the danger of vaccine, used so indiscriminately and without any caution about us and especially our children.
Albert Bruce Sabin
Antonio Di Pietro
martedì 7 ottobre 2008 16.04
reply from Antonio Di Pietro
Gentile Giorgio ,
respond to his mail of September 26 apologizing for the delay but how can
imagine the preparations for the upcoming referendum are taking great
Part of my time. I have just received the book, thanks. I will
begin to read it as soon as possible. The battle that you have
undertaken is very noble. I also hope to be able to meet the
first, as soon as this referendum will give us the results hoped for. The
Thank you for publishing the document that I presented to the chamber, and
seek to deepen the contents of your site. I praise
his ongoing work for information on these important issues, which
I am sure will save thousands of lives.
Antonio Di Pietro
mail response by Antonio Di Pietro